Features Ingredients CSA Farm Share Farms Shopping Guide Local Farm Homepage CSA's in Connecticut Are Open for the 2025 Season: Get Your Farm Share NOW! Amy S. White March 11, 2025 In a world of commercial food production and global supply chains, many people are looking for a more sustainable, local, and community-driven alternative to sourcing their food. Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) programs connect local farmers with their neighboring consumers in a mutually beneficial relationship that fosters a stronger connection between people and their food. In a traditional CSA program, members become shareholders of the farm. They purchase a subscription or "share" in late winter or early spring, providing farmers with upfront financial support. In return, during harvest season, members receive regular distributions of fresh, seasonal produce, or other farm products like eggs, dairy, or meat, depending on the farm’s offerings. Some farms offer a more flexible CSA program that runs like an on-site credit, where members can choose their own products at the farm stand.Either system assists small-scale agricultural businesses financially by ensuring them a stable income and reducing their risk. In partnering with the farm, members gain access to the freshest produce and other farm products possible, get to know their local growers, and are able connect in a mindful way to where and how their food is grown. CSAs encourage sustainable agricultural practices, foster a sense of community, and help the local economy. Continue reading to connect with some of the farms offering CSAs across the state. Don’t hesitate to sign up, as they tend to fill up and sell out quickly. Fairfield County Appleberry Farm – Sandy Hookhttps://www.appleberryfarmct.com/csa-description-page/Run by the same family for four generations, this farm was named after the apple orchards and blackberry patches that grow on the property. Today, Appleberry is a cut flower farm that grows various flowers that bloom throughout the whole growing season and even have their own floral designer on staff. The CSA, available for six weeks in spring, summer, and fall, or an 18-week “all-season” version, consists of a weekly offering of a fresh, seasonal flower arrangement in a quart-sized mason jar. Pickup is on Thursday at either Appleberry Farm in Sandy Hook, or in North Stamford. Delivery within a 10-mile radius is also available for an additional fee.Great Ring Farm – Newtownhttps://www.greatringfarm.com/flower-csa-info.htmlGreat Ring is a recently established micro farm in Newtown that has ventured into growing local flowers. They offer multiple versions of a CSA that range from four to twelve weeks. Flowers are arranged in a bundle or bouquet and delivered in a returnable mason jar or conveniently wrapped to take home. During the summer, they hope to offer a build-your-own bouquet option from buckets of stems. “Champions” who choose the all-season length occasionally receive an additional free gift from the farm. There are a few different time slots for pickup, which is at the farm. Lauren Glen Farm – Sheltonhttps://www.laurelglenfarm.com/subscriptionsThe Rogowski family has been farming in Shelton for over 100 years, and across four generations, creating a tight-knit community centered on the delicious local food they grow. They offer a large or small-sized vegetable CSA in options of 32, 20, or 13-weeks. Customers have three different weekday options to pick up their share at the award-winning farm stand. They email members a weekly newsletter with share contents, recipes, and farm updates, and have a members-only Facebook group to promote community.Millstone Farm - Wilton https://www.millstonefarm.org/csaMillstone is a private, family-owned farm focused on regenerative farming, educational opportunities, and innovative technologies. This year, their CSA has changed to a CSA Membership Card processed like a gift card, offering a more flexible, convenient, and personalized experience. Customers can shop whenever they choose, using their membership to select exactly what they need, whether it’s fresh produce, pasture-raised eggs, meats, or value-added products, both online and at the farmers markets they attend throughout the season.Park City Harvest – Bridgeporthttps://www.parkcityharvest.com/csa-subscriptionRichard Myers and Shawn Joseph started Park City Harvest in 2017, dedicated to changing the image of farming within urban communities while feeding and educating the communities that they serve. The mission of this operation run by people of color is to empower and equip urban youth about the impact that food has on their health, community, and the environment. They have a variety of CSA options throughout the year, in full or half shares of farm-grown vegetables, and also offer a flower subscription. Pickup is on Saturday morning in Waterbury or Bridgeport. Shaggy Coos – Eastonhttps://www.shaggycoos.farm/shop Shaggy Coos is the most southern dairy farm in New England. This small female-run farm in Easton was started with the idea to keep small scale dairy sustainable and local, and they do not use hormones, artificial aids, or antibiotics in raising their animals. Their summer CSA runs in partnership with Silverman’s Farm and comes in quarter, half, or full shares. In each share is beef, pork, poultry, and dairy items from Shaggy Coos, and locally grown produce and baked goods from Silverman’s. Pickup is at either farm on Friday or Saturday from May to September. Shortt's Farm - Sandy Hookhttps://shorttsfarmandgarden.com/2025-csa/This constantly expanding farm in Sandy Hook is a family-run business that includes a farm store and an ice cream shop. Their CSA features an array of six to ten freshly picked USDA certified organic veggies that vary each week depending on what is ready to harvest. They also partner with a couple of other local businesses to offer add-ons including meat and baked goods. Full shares are picked up on Wednesday and Friday, and half shares on Friday and Sunday. Stone Gardens – Sheltonhttps://www.stonegardensfarmmarket.com/beefsharesStone Gardens Farm Market offers 100% locally raised beef shares in three bundle options, all at premium quality and exceptional value. Their herd is bred and raised on farmland in Shelton. They are never given antibiotics or added growth hormones, and are fed hay, veggies, sweet corn stalks and a small amount of GMO-free grain to help marble the meat for the best final product. The beef cuts are vacuum sealed to maintain freshness and prevent freezer burn. Quarter, half, and whole beef shares are available and require a non-refundable deposit. Pickup is at the farm.The Hickories – Ridgefieldhttps://www.thehickories.org/our-csaThe mission of the farming family at The Hickories is to produce safe and nutritious products grown with respect for soil, animals, and people. They aspire to model agriculture that is innovative and replicable: one that is ecologically, economically, and socially responsible. They believe their CSA members assist in ensuring the success and continued operation of their farm, and offer a wide variety of CSAs – vegetables, flowers, and eggs – in varied lengths during different seasons. Pickup is at the farm on designated days to be determined. Veronica's Garden – Ridgefieldhttps://www.veronicasgarden.net/174968538/174968543Veronica's Garden is a sustainable farm located in Ridgefield. Bob DiNucci has been farming at this location for 28 years, starting it as a hobby and growing the land exponentially over the years. Their vegetable CSA runs from June to October in full or half shares. Pickup happens at their farm stand in Ridgefield or at Lachat Town Farm Barn in Weston on Tuesday evening. New Haven CountyBishop's Orchards – Guilfordhttps://bishopsorchards.storebyweb.com/s/1000-3/orders/1002-1005Bishop’s is a leader in the state’s farm market, orchard, and winery businesses. Their vision is to preserve and enhance the value of the land for current and future generations and provide exceptional products and services that emphasize family, food, and recreation. The CSA they offer consists of 18 weeks of a seasonal basket of farm fresh produce and other ultra-local specialty items from June-October. Two-thirds and full shares are available. Pickup is at the farm market on Tuesday and Thursday. Clover Nook – Bethanyhttps://clovernookfarm.com/csaClover Nook Farm is an eighth-generation family farm that is owned and operated by the Demander family in Bethany and has roots dating back to 1765. Their CSA acts as a line of credit at their farm store, which members can use on any product they carry, such as their homegrown produce, fresh bakery items, or other locally sourced goods. Occasional members-only discounts are an added bonus. Daffodil Hill Growers – Southburyhttps://www.daffodilhillgrowers.com/summer-csa/Daffodil Hill Growers is a family farm that focuses on growing a wide variety of vegetables through their own CSA and by selling their produce at local farmers markets. Their varieties of heirloom vegetables offer items unlike the typical produce found at the supermarket. Their summer vegetable CSA runs for 17 weeks in full or smaller sizes, with pickup at the farm on Tuesday afternoon or on Saturday morning at the Bethel Farmers Market. Defrancesco Farm – Northfordhttps://app.barn2door.com/defrancescofarm/all?categories=8Since 1907, the DeFrancesco family has been growing on over a hundred and twenty acres of fields. They practice sustainable farming with rotational crop and ground cover for erosion prevention and plastic and drip irrigation to conserve water. For 14 weeks from June to September, their full- and medium-sized CSA offers the freshest vegetables hand-selected by the family, along with a few additional surprises. Pickup is at the farm stand with options on Wednesday or Thursday.Farmer Joe's Gardens – Wallingfordhttps://farmerjoesgardens.com/pages/farmer-harvest-program-csaDrawing on four generations of farming mentorship from his family and three generations from her family, married farmers Joe and Ida pride themselves in the beautiful plants and produce grown by the family and sold at their farm store. Their CSA comes in various sizes, with local add-ons, in a weekly or biweekly option. They offer pickup at their own farm and several other locations, and also have a delivery option. Members can customize their share for each delivery based on the harvest and what fits their needs. They also have the option of adding extra items to their box for an additional charge. Gazy Brothers Farm – Oxfordhttps://www.gazybrothersfarm.net/blog/csa/Gazy Brothers Farm is going on its fourth generation of farming since 1918, producing vegetables, herbs, flowers, and plants on the farm and on neighboring properties which they sell at their farm stand and farmers markets. They offer a produce CSA, which is a box of freshly harvested vegetables along with one or two different herbs to cook with. Although they do not grow their own fruits, they include a fruit share also produced on Connecticut farms. Shares can be picked up at their farm, local farmers markets, or by delivery.Hindingers Farm – Hamdenhttps://www.hindingersfarm.com/hindinger_farm_how_does_our_csa_work.htmSince 1893, the Hindinger family has been farming land in Hamden, offering spectacular scenery, a friendly atmosphere, and farm-fresh fruits and vegetables. Their CSA is a full or half share running from June through November, with Wednesday or Saturday pickup. There is also a flower-only share with pick up dates on Tuesday or Friday. Days can be switched with prior notice, and they offer a table for produce substitutions. Eggs, cheese, and flowers can be added on for an additional cost. Massaro Community Farm – Woodbridgehttps://massarofarm.org/join-our-csa/Massaro Community Farm is a nonprofit, certified-organic farm on a 57-acre parcel of land operated collaboratively between the Town of Woodbridge and a Board of Directors comprised of local citizens. The property was deeded to the town by the Massaro Family, who had farmed the land since 1916. Their sliding scale CSA pricing based on income engages the community in “Community Supported Agriculture,” allows for economic solidarity, makes their produce more accessible, and helps create a more just, equitable food system. CSAs come in 10- or 20-week shares, with varying pickup options and add-ons available. Rivercrest Farm – Milfordhttps://www.rivercrestfarm.com/csaRiver Crest Farm is a fifth-generation family-run farm that grows produce, flower and vegetable plants, Christmas trees, and more with sustainability in mind. They use organic pest management practices, organic fertilizers, and encourage pollinators, birds, and wildlife. Their CSA provides members with fresh vegetables once a week for 16 weeks from June until late September. Pick-up days are Monday, Wednesday, or Friday. Besides the vegetables that they harvest and put in the walk-in cooler for members, there is a pick-your-own herb garden, a blueberry and raspberry patch, and a flower field where shareholders can gather a bouquet each week. Sunset Farm – Naugatuckhttps://www.sunsetfarmct.com/csaKaitlyn Kimball and Lawrence Passeck are first-generation farmers who founded Sunset Farm in 2018. Since that time they have cultivated four acres into certified organic vegetable and flower production in Naugatuck and started leasing additional acres in Milford, including a small apple and peach orchard. Members can purchase a CSA as market credit in the winter and early spring months, with an additional 20% added free, helping the farm to sustain itself during these low production months. In the summer when the CSA begins, they are able to reap their share of the harvest by redeeming the credit at any of the farm’s farmers market locations (Naugatuck, CitySeed Edgewood Park, Milford, Ridgefield, Monroe, Westport) which take place on different days. Hartford County Beckett Farms – Glastonburyhttps://beckettfarms.com/csa/The Beckett family started farming in Glastonbury in 1973. The family farm grows a variety of vegetables, fruits, flowers, and herbs, and has the oldest operating CSA program in Glastonbury. They run a seasonal farm stand, sell their produce at farmers markets, and supply local restaurants, grocery stores, and schools with wholesale produce. Their fruit and vegetable CSA runs from June through November with pickup at the farm on Wednesday afternoon.Bordua Farm - South Windsorhttps://www.borduafarms.com/csa/p/joinBordua Farms is a family-owned-and-operated farm located on historic Main Street in South Windsor. As stewards of over a hundred acres of fertile soil in the Connecticut River Valley, they are proud to grow and sell a bounty of farm-to-table local produce. Each week during the farming season, CSA members visit the farm to collect their share of the harvest, connect with the farmer, ask questions about the produce, and enjoy the setting of the farm. The CSA lasts 18 weeks and includes weekly recipes and inspiration, a vegetable storage guide, and access to their group Facebook page. Fruit and coffee add-ons are available.Deercrest Farm – Glastonburyhttp://www.deercrestfarm.com/CSA2011.htmlDeercrest Farm spans over 100 acres of orchards and fields growing over 30 different types of crops, with hundreds of different varieties among them. Such a broad scope of produce promises to make their CSA something special, as they guarantee that what goes into their boxes was harvested by them. They offer different levels and lengths of CSA membership with an option to choose a pick up day. Dondero Orchards - South Glastonbury https://www.donderoorchards.com/dondero-orchards-2021-csaDondero Orchards grows a wide variety of fruits and vegetables to bring a diverse flavor to their customers’ tables. Their CSA consists of a bag full of fruit and veggies weekly, as well as one of the many award-winning products made from their produce in their own commercial kitchen. It lasts 18 weeks with pickup on Friday.Easy Pickin’s Orchard – Enfieldhttps://www.easypickinsorchard.com/csa-sign-upEasy Pickin’s grows a wide variety of vegetables, herbs, fruits, and berries, and their CSA members’ weekly share reflects this mix of produce. Their fruit crops are a bonus that many other farms are unable to offer. Their CSA season is 20 weeks. The amount and type of each vegetable and fruit vary with the season and the weather, but they design the weekly share to be a menu-friendly combination. They offer full and half shares, and multiple pick-up days and locations. Fair Weather Growers - Rocky Hillhttps://fairweathergrowers.com/summercsa/For many years, Fair Weather Growers has been producing over 200 varieties of vegetables on over 400 acres of tillable farmland, located in Wethersfield, Rocky Hill, Cromwell and Berlin. In addition to veggies, they also grow a wide variety of flowers and bedding plants in their greenhouses. Their summer CSA runs 16 weeks from June to September, with quarter shares picking up every other week, and half and whole shares available weekly. Pickup is at the farm on the customers’ chosen day – Sunday, Tuesday, or Thursday. George Hall Farm – Simsburyhttps://www.georgehallfarm.com/csaIn 2014, George Hall Farm was preserved with the Simsbury Land Trust and includes land on Old Farms Rd and Quarry Rd. in Simsbury. Daren Hall, George Hall’s nephew, and his family run the farm which has been in the family since 1966. With over 50 acres in vegetable production, their produce is passed to our customers at the height of its freshness and nutritional value. They offer three different CSAs, all starting in June; “summer” runs through August, “classic” runs through October, and “season” runs through November. Pickup is at the farm on Tuesday afternoons.Holcomb Farm - West Granbyhttps://holcombfarm.org/join-our-csa/Holcomb Farm is a non-profit 312-acre historic working farm located in the heart of West Granby. It also has ten miles of public trails, a “tree trail,” farm store, and a banquet facility. The farm is operated collaboratively by the Town of Granby and a Board of Directors composed of local citizens. Their CSA season runs for 20 weeks, starting in mid-June and running through late October, with pickup whenever the store is open. Full and half shares are offered, as is a pick-your-own add-on membership. Joseph Preli Farm - South Glastonburyhttps://www.josephprelifarm.com/Growers of fine fruits and vegetables, stewards of honey bees, producers of pure maple syrup, crafters of natural farm wines – all of this describes the folks running Joseph Preli Farm. Members who sign up for their flexible CSA receive a gift card priced for a full or half share, then can drop in and purchase items at their farm stand and winery or order items in advance online. There is no penalty for skipping weeks, and unused balances carry over to next season.Killam and Bassette - South Glastonbury https://kbfarmstead.com/csa/Killam and Bassette has been farming in South Glastonbury since 1893, producing quality fruits and vegetables, free range eggs, award-winning canned goods, and all natural USDA pork and chicken. They attend 18 farmers markets per season, and host craft fairs, farm dinner fundraisers, tastings, a spooky stroll, and numerous private events. They offer a flexible “Credit Card CSA” that is purchased in advance and can be used to buy goods at their farm stand or at many of their events, or a traditional 20-week summer share with pickup at the farm stand Sunday through Thursday afternoon. Newgate Farms – Windsorhttps://newgatefarms.com/Newgate Farms has been a family-owned, fresh market garden for five generations, since 1933 in Windsor. What started as a wholesale and pick-your-own farm has evolved into a strictly retail, farmers market agri-business diversified into small fruits and berries, greenhouse, cut flowers, and a value-added bakery. They offer “summer” (June through September) and “taste of summer” (August and September) CSAs in full and half sizes with pickup at the farm on Tuesday in Windsor or at the West Hartford Farmers Market.Oxen Hill Farm – Suffieldhttps://oxenhillfarm.com/vegetable-csa/Oxen Hill Farm is a family-owned-and-operated farm with land in both Suffield and East Granby. The East Granby farm location that they use for the majority of their production was originally part of a royal grant of land from the King of England, awarded to Sgt. John Griffin in 1647. The 11th generation of the Griffin family is now operating the USDA Certified Organic vegetable farm and flower farm that primarily serves their CSA members. Their personalized CSA (they email the contents of the share and give members a day or so to make changes) runs for 18 weeks and comes in three sizes: ox, calf, and mini-shares, with a few different pickup locations and time slots. Regardless of location, they open their pick-your-own herbs and cherry tomatoes to members as a bonus. Rosedale Farms – Simsburyhttps://www.rosedale1920.com/csa.htmlSince 1920, Rosedale has been offering the Simsbury community and beyond the freshest, highest-quality produce. They are a fifth-generation family farm, growing vegetables, fruits, and flowers, and also producing wines. CSA members receive 14 weeks’ worth of fresh produce in the height of the growing season, from June to September. They also provide a few other goodies in the share such as a discount on in-store items and wine tasting tickets, access to pre-sale tickets for some farm events, occasional baked goods or wine from the farm, or treats from other local businesses. Pickup at the farm is on Tuesday. Stefanfarms – Windsorhttps://www.stefanfarms.org/what-is-a-csaAfter leaving the military, Farmer Mark, like his father, began farming to supplement his family’s food supply and income. Unable to afford a farm, he and his wife leased land, and over time, expanded their leased acreage, grew a wider variety of vegetables, and sold at numerous local farmers markets in addition to their farm stand. Eventually, they also began offering a CSA program. Theirs is flexible; members pay ahead of time for a full or half share, then visit the farm stand weekly during the season to choose their items. The pricing is significantly lower than retail, and that doesn't even include the generous extras they often add.Sub Edge Farm – Farmingtonhttps://www.subedgefarm.com/csaSub Edge Farm grows plants, vegetables, small fruit, flowers, and herbs, as well as cover crops using organic methods. They keep a small selection of heritage breed poultry, pigs, and other farm animals as well. Many people visit the farm each season to enjoy their delightful farm shop and pick up their CSA shares. Weekly shares are picked up on Wednesday or Friday afternoon at the farm from June to September. They offer small, medium, large, and patron-sized CSAs as well as a partner share with New Park Brewing that can be picked up there, and one that can be picked up at Zohara restaurant in West Hartford. Syme Family Farm - Broad Brookhttps://www.symefamilyfarm.com/storeBill and Jen Syme are now entering their eighteenth year as commercial cut flower growers, growing over 150 varieties of blooms. Their flourishing farm has hundreds of Cut Flower Club (their CSA) customers and a sales barn that customers visit every season of the year. Club members can choose between four and eight weeks of locally grown, fresh cut flower bouquets for pickup at the farm on Saturday during growing season. New London CountyCold Spring Farm – Colchesterhttps://www.coldspringfarmct.com/csaCold Spring’s farmers Jeff and Jess met like any truly modern farmers do - at a farmers market. It was their farm-related interests that got them talking before they sealed a partnership and began to grow a sustainable future together in farming. With their flexible CSA, shareholders can shop for their shares of produce, meat, pantry, and/or dairy items at the farm stand all year round or at the local farmers markets they attend. Sizes are described as “squat,” “peck,” or “bushel,” and members sign up for anywhere from six to forty-eight distributions. Then they visit the farm stand anytime it’s open for pickup, or can have their shares delivered. Full Heart Farm – Ledyardhttps://www.fullheartfarm.com/summer-vegetable-share.htmlFarmer Allyson fell in love with farming while studying at UMass Amherst where she went on to get a degree in Agriculture Education. She purchased Full Heart Farm in the spring of 2012, and now married with children, runs it as a family venture. Full Heart offers spring, summer, and autumn flower CSAs, and a summer-only vegetable CSA. The veggie CSA consists of ten weeks’ worth of veggies packed up for pickup at the farm on Tuesday from June to August, while flower share members receive a bouquet of farm-grown blooms per week each season they join. Hunts Brook Farm - Quaker Hillhttps://huntsbrookfarmct.com/our-csaIn 2008, with abundant offerings from their fruitful garden beds, Rob “Digga” and Teresa Schacht began a small CSA program and expanded to sell at area farmers markets and stock their own farm stand. What began as a way to distribute surplus to family, friends, and neighbors is now the cornerstone of their business. When customers buy a market share, their money works like a credit; members shop at the farm store and choose whatever farm-grown vegetables they like.Kindred Crossing Farm - North Franklinhttps://www.kindredcrossingsfarm.com/product/farm-share-csa-card/361Kindred Crossing sells quality pasture-raised meats, specifically beef, pork, and lamb, from animals that are ethically raised in harmony with nature. Their Farm Share CSA card is a flexible option for households that want the security and savings of a CSA but don't have the freezer space to pick up a lot of meat at one time. It works like cash; members have the freedom to shop at the Willimantic or Storrs farmers markets, or at the farm by appointment only, and purchase whatever they need. They also get early access to new products. Cards come in different amounts – bronze, silver, gold, and platinum. Long Table Farm – Lymehttps://www.longtablefarmct.com/csasharesLong Table is a sustainable vegetable farm whose mission is to grow fresh, healthy food for their community, free of synthetic pesticides and herbicides. They raise seasonal vegetables, edible flowers, microgreens, and small fruits, and keep bees in Lyme. They offer both a traditional CSA and a Market Share Card. Their small, medium, and large CSA shares run from June to October, with three different locations and times for pickup. Savitsky Farm – Colchesterhttps://www.facebook.com/SavitskyFarm/Located on land that has been farmed in Colchester since the 1700s, Savitsky Farm has been run by the Savitsky family since 1950. They use natural and sustainable methods to ensure that everything they produce and sell is at peak quality. Their products can be purchased at their year-round farm stand, as well as area farmers markets. A traditional CSA or flexible market share is available, offering 20 weeks of fresh organic produce for pickup at the farm.Secchiaroli Farm – Waterfordhttps://secchiarolifarm.com/CSA.htmlSince 1911, when Alessandro Secchiaroli started a small farm in Waterford, the Secchiaroli piggery has been family operated. Currently owned and operated by Alessandro's great grandson Jonathan, they offer sustainably and naturally raised roasting pigs, butcher hogs, pig roasts and pork products, for four generations now. Their pork CSA comes in quarter, half, or full shares, with pick up at the farm on Saturday either all at once, or over five months.Stone Acres Farm – Stoningtonhttps://www.stoneacresfarm.com/csaDating back to 1765, Stone Acres Farm is an iconic property that supports local agriculture and community. The farm originally consisted of approximately 225 acres and has been in continual operation since before the Revolutionary War. In addition to their market, the farm is home to an educational center and an event space where they host a variety of food inspired events throughout the year. The farm’s vegetable CSA comes in half or whole sizes ranging from June to either September or November, and their two flower CSA offerings are for either spring or summer. Pickup is at the farm. Studio Farm – Voluntownhttps://www.localharvest.org/studio-farm-products-M11175/csaStudio Farm sells naturally grown vegetables and berries picked at the peak of their flavor. Extra berries and veggies are made into delicious jams and jellies, chutney, relishes, and pickles. CSA members pick up their shares on Friday afternoons at the farm. Mini, small, and large shares are available in either a 12-week spring/summer or a 10-week summer/fall version. Middlesex CountyBitta-Blue Farm – Killingworthhttps://bittabluefarm.com/#csaBitta-Blue is a small family-run farm in Killingworth. For over thirty years, Susan Willis and her family have worked the farm organically, attending farmers markets and running gardening workshops in additional to their CSA program. Their 20-week CSA begins in June and includes a vast array of organic vegetables to be picked up at the farm. Fire Ring Farm – Portlandhttps://fireringfarm.com/Established in 2009, Fire Ring Farm is a community-supported farm in Portland. It sits on roughly four acres of land that overlooks the Connecticut River and is surrounded by the Palmer Taylor Preserve. Offering half, full, and work shares, their CSA program runs from June through October, and members come to the farm once a week to pick up their bag of fresh, organic produce on a set day and window of time. Four Root Farm - East Haddamhttps://www.fourrootfarm.com/market-shareLocated on sixteen quiet acres in East Haddam, Four Root Farm is a small and diverse certified organic vegetable and cut flower farm committed to growing nutritious, delicious, and highly unusual produce. The farm is owned equally by its four farmers, partners and best friends who share a common vision. Their Market Share program is a hybrid selling model available at both of their farmers markets: Madison on Friday, and CitySeed’s Wooster Square market in New Haven on Saturday. Members buy their share and spend it as credit in whatever increments they find most beneficial across the approximately 40 weeks the farmers anticipate attending those two markets. Lyman Orchards – Middlefieldhttps://lymanorchards.com/csa/Lyman is a well-known orchard that offers family-friendly events, pick-your-own fruit, a large farm market, award-winning pies, sunflower and corn mazes, and a year-round golf course. They also have various CSA options including full and medium weekly shares (18 weeks), and bi-weekly or harvest shares (9 weeks). Members pick their produce out of CSA-specific bins at the farm market on Tuesday or Thursday. They also get a welcome gift, discounts at the market, and access to a recipe website. Star Light Gardens – Durhamhttps://starlightgardensct.com/community-sustained-agriculture/Star Light Gardens is a USDA Certified Organic four-season market garden located in Durham and Middlefield. They grow a wide variety of vegetables and cut flowers with the goal to have delicious, nutrient-dense produce available twelve months of the year. In 2020 they moved their traditional CSA to a Market Card; members choose the amount they’d like to preload onto the card, from $200 to $600, and receive back a card for that amount with an additional 5%-15%. The Market Card acts as credit to be used throughout the year at any of their farmers markets or for items preordered from the farm stand. Windham CountyKD Crop Farms - Chaplin https://www.kdcropfarms.com/csaKD Crop Farms is a woman-owned and family-run farm that also offers a line of relishes, pickles, jams, salsas, and chutney made from their own farm-raised, handmade, and naturally-grown produce. Their CSA runs from April through October in various options: a one-week trial, monthly bag, half, full, or large share, or a work share, in which members receive a discount on their share in exchange for working on the farm. Pickup is at the farm on Thursday or Friday afternoon, or at the farmers market in Tolland every other Saturday, or in Ashford every Sunday. They donate $1 to local schools for every bag sold.Radical Roots – Sterlinghttps://www.radicalrootsct.com/shop-products?page=4The name this family-owned, woman-and-veteran-operated farm came up with, “Radical Roots,” expresses the idea that they raise their animals in a different way than most. They practice low-input regenerative farming without the use of harmful pesticides, GMOs, and unnecessary hormones. They go back to the "roots" by raising heritage livestock, focusing on quality and flavor, rather than fast-growing, flavorless meats. Their full and half meat CSAs have various add-ons, time lengths, and pickup locations. Russo's Roots – Canterburyhttps://www.russosroots.com/copy-of-csa-sign-up-1This USDA Certified Organic farm is celebrating its tenth year of growing a wide range of vegetables from the most common ones such as tomatoes and carrots to the more unusual ones like kohlrabi and puntarelle. They also enjoy pushing the envelope by planting things that aren’t normally found in our climate, like ginger and turmeric. Their vegetable CSA comes in half or full shares of varying lengths, with honey, flower, and mushroom add-ons offered. They have multiple pickup locations to choose from. Turtle Ledge Farm – Hamptonhttps://turtleledge.wixsite.com/turtleledgefarmLocated in Hampton, Turtle Ledge has been providing high-quality fresh certified-organic produce and eggs to CSA customers, local restaurants, and the Willimantic Food Co-op since 1999. Different from other CSAs, theirs is a pay-as-you-go model. Each week they send members an email listing the produce items for sale, including the price per item. Members place an order by responding to the email. Orders are filled on a first-come, first-served basis, and picked up at the farm on the day and time designated in the email. Litchfield CountyAutumn Harvest Orchard – Norfolkhttps://autumnharvestorchardllc.com/community-supported-agricultureAutumn Harvest Orchard was procured in 2000 and slowly evolved from an abandoned pasture to an apple orchard in 2006. Eventually chestnut trees and blueberry plants were added to the orchard and later beehives were installed to aid in the pollination process. Today they are a Certified Naturally Grown orchard, vegetable farm, and apiary. Their CSA options include a full (20-week) share from June to October, or a half (10-week) share from June to August. Member choose Wednesday, Friday or Sunday as their pickup day upon signing up, with pickup at the orchard. Fort Hill Farm - New Milfordhttps://www.forthillfarm.com/csaAn incredibly diverse range of seasonal crops (over 225 varieties) is available at Fort Hill Farm’s farm stand, the farmers markets they attend, and the local restaurants that buy their produce. Their CSA uses a debit card system to offer maximum flexibility. Members purchase one of four levels of “Harvest Cards” and use it to buy produce at a members’ discount at the farm stand when it’s open, or at the New Milford Farmers Market. Gresczyk Farms - New Hartfordhttps://www.gresczykfarms.com/csa/Gresczyk Farms is a family-owned-and-operated farm in the northwest part of the state. They grow 130 acres of vegetables and berries and raise hundreds of laying chickens. Their full and half CSA shares run for 18 weeks (June through October), or 13 weeks (June to September) if choosing the Southington pickup option. Members receive a selection of home-grown produce based off of what they are harvesting that given week, with some weeks including berries, cage-free eggs, or locally grown fruit. Hungry Reaper Farm – Morrishttps://www.hungryreaperfarm.com/csaComposting, supporting beneficial insects, rotating crops, and cover cropping are just some of the strategies used at Hungry Reaper Farm to produce delicious vegetables for the community that are both safe and ecologically friendly. Half, whole, and community-subsidized CSA shares are offered as a market style debit system. Members use their balance to choose from the produce available at any farmers markets they attend or at their stand in Morris throughout the season (usually April through November).March Farm – Bethlehemhttps://marchfarm.com/csa-2/#mbr-agreemtMarch Farm is a fourth-generation family farm destination offering seasonal pick-your-own berries and fruit along with family-friendly activities. Their farm store and bakery is stocked with their own grown produce, regional food specialties, and fresh baked goods. Both traditional full share and “gift card” CSA versions are available, and they offer many added perks to their members. Pickup is on Wednesday and Thursday at the farm. The Farm – Woodburyhttps://thefarmwoodbury.com/ourcsaThe Farm in Woodbury has been specializing in agricultural diversity since 1988, growing vegetables of all non-GMO varieties, as well as some heirloom and heritage varieties. Their CSA is one size with 16 weeks of vegetables included along with a CSA membership card with which members can add meat, fruit, pantry items, dairy, or other products from the farm store at a discount for the duration of the season. Pickup is at the farm on Thursday and Saturday afternoons from June through September. Waldingfield Farm – Washingtonhttps://waldingfieldfarm.com/csa/Waldingfield Farm in Washington is an organic vegetable farm certified by Baystate Organic Certifiers that has been producing sustainable produce for over twenty years. The farm built its reputation on the legendary performance of their annual heirloom tomato crop, but continues to grow an ever-expanding array of gourmet vegetables which they sell at farmers markets, their own farm stand, and via their CSA program. From June through October, the CSA provides weekly and bi-weekly pickup at the farmers markets they attend (New Haven, Sandy Hook/Newtown, Brooklyn) or at their big red barn on East Street. Full and half shares are offered.Wright Farm – Goshenhttps://www.wrightfarmorganic.com/servicesLocated in Goshen, Wright Farm is dedicated to providing the highest quality, sustainably grown organic products and to preserving the natural world. In fact, they donate a portion of their CSA to the Goshen Land Trust, a non-profit organization. CSA members pay upon pickup at the farm, as they would at a typical grocery store, with full and half shares offered. Tolland CountyCloverleigh Farm – Columbiahttps://www.cloverleighfarm.com/csaCloverleigh is a small diverse vegetable business growing fresh and flavorful produce that is certified organic by Baystate Organic Certifiers. With a focus on their CSA program, the farm aims to connect people to a place; a place where members can talk to their farmer, see the farm operate, meet neighbors, and watch a small business grow though community support. Their summer share comes in full or half sizes and lasts from June through August. Their fall share goes into September and October. Pickup is weekly on Wednesday afternoon at the farm or at a location in Glastonbury, or Saturday morning at the farm only. Cobblestone Farm – Mansfieldhttps://cobblestonefarmcsa.com/Cobblestone Farm came to life as a full-fledged farm in 2016. They grow a wide diversity of crops, including many heirloom varieties. While they sell to a couple of local markets, including the Willimantic Food Co-op, their CSA is their main business. Their summer version lasts 18 weeks, while their fall version lasts nine; both come in full or half shares. They also have a tomato share add-on during peak season. Weekly pickup is on Monday or Thursday afternoon at the farm. Down to Earth Farm – Staffordhttps://getdowntoearth.org/membership-2-2/Located in Stafford, Down to Earth’s CSA program is different from others in that they offer the opportunity for members to participate in the agricultural process. They call this a “working share.” Each member provides at least one person to work two hours every other week. The work involves tasks like soil preparation, planting, watering, weeding, and harvesting. Staff members provide direction and guidance. Their growing season begins in mid-April and runs until early November; harvest begins in mid-June. Shares come in small or large sizes and pickup is at the farm on Wednesday or Saturday. Non-working shares are also available. Mon Soleil – Stafford Springshttps://www.monsoleilct.com/productsMon Soleil is a half-acre market garden, where they practice human scale agriculture, meaning no tractors and no tilling. They began as a CSA program and continue it today, as they believe that is the best way to invite members of the community to be more connected to what they eat. Spring and summer shares are offered in full, half, or quarter sizes, with pickup on Tuesday and Saturday at the farm or on Thursday and Saturday at Strong Family Farm in Vernon. Willow Valley Farm - Willington https://wvfcsa.wordpress.com/how-our-csa-works/A third-generation family farm located on fields and woodland along the Fenton River in Willington, Willow Valley grows their produce with sustainable growing methods. They are passionate about clean food, clean water, vibrant soil life, and a sustainable way of living. Their veggie CSA distribution lasts for 18 weeks and runs from the end of May to the end of September. There are two pickup day choices, Monday or Friday, and full and half shares, and a discounted share subsidized by Food for Friends, are all available.