Leven(thal) Cookies: OMFG Cookies Delivered To Your Doorstep

Jessica Ryan

 love at first bite…

In full disclosure I don’t think I’ve met a cookie I didn’t like but as we all know there’s a difference between like and love. I have a sweet tooth that’s very discerning with exceptionally high standards. My tooth can easily separate the good from the very good, great, outstanding and the OMIGOD. 

So when I received a box of warm Leven(thal) Cookies I knew my sweet tooth had its work cut out. Leven(thal) is a fun, punny play on the name Leventhal, as in Jess Leventhal, baker of these oversized mini-baseball mound shaped treats. The young mother of three – all aged 3 and under! – moved to Westport two and a half years ago. She started baking during her maternity leave and started posting some of her creations on Instagram. The reaction was almost immediate and soon she was filling orders.

What’s so remarkable about Jess is that she’s got her Doctorate in Nursing and works at Yale as Assistant Director of Research Coordination. She just so happens to bake with her kids during her free time. (Free time? What free time?) As a mom of three, now almost fully grown kids, I feel like a super underachiever… But let’s focus on the cookies here because eating homemade cookies just so happens to be my overachieving superpower.

Inspired by the oversized cookies with gooey centers she fell in love with when she lived in New York City, Jess decided to try to create her own. She played around with ingredients until she felt as though she had perfected a recipe. She currently offers 6 varieties: Classic (chocolate chip), M&M, Birthday, Dark Chocolate, S’mores, and Peanut Butter

I enlisted the help of my children and we sat down and got right down to work. We opened the beautifully packaged box to find five massive cookies inside. I carefully cut each one into 4, making sure that we all got equal amounts. I then wished that I had been able to sample each right out of the oven warm cookie upon their arrival, but alas life and work made this impossible. 

We began with the Classic, a traditional chocolate chip-meets cookie dough. Raw cookie dough lovers will enjoy these. After a couple of bites, I decided to pop the cookies into the microwave for a few seconds. What a game changer! This is how these should be enjoyed if you can’t get to them immediately. The crispy exterior, chips that melt in your hands and mouth and the gooey dough elevated the experience. A cold glass of milk is optional but encouraged… even a strong cup of coffee. Yum. The M&M cookies gave us similar vibes. We particularly liked the red and pink colored m&ms.

On to the Birthday… For me, this was truly love at first bite! A wonderful sugar cookie dough with loads of baked white chocolate chips and sprinkles – because sprinkles really do make everything better. Cold, I gave these an 8/10 and warm they were a 9.5/10 for me. I do love me a good sugar cookie.

The S’mores was a pleasant surprise for me. I thought I would find this to be a bit too much chocolate for my liking but it wasn’t. These are chocolate chocolate-chip cookie meets gooey brownie with toasted marshmallow on top. Outrageously decadent these must, without exception, be eaten warm. Campfire optional. 

Lastly the Peanut Butter. Peanut butter and chocolate is my all-time favorite combination. This peanut butter cookie dough oozes (quite literally when warm) with peanut butter and chocolate chips and is topped with a mini peanut butter cup, the icing on the cake – er, cookie. There was a dance party going on in my mouth and my taste-buds were having a blast. Very good at room temp, but beyond when warm!

For those interested, there’s a minimum order requirement of $20 and then $4 for each additional. By request M&M colors and sprinkles can be customized to match a theme and cookies can be delivered on an acrylic tower to be paired with milk for kids and boozy cocktails for adults. Because Jess delivers them herself all orders must be in Fairfield county.


