Tim Cabral of Ordinary Makes A Martinez Cocktail on The History Happy Hour

Stephanie Webster

In this week’s History Happy Hour 21st century New Haven bartender Tim Cabral of Ordinary demonstrates The Martinez, the father of the Gin Martini.

Here’s a little history…In the mid-19th century barkeeps evolved into mixologists, creating unique cocktails and codifying those long in existence. The most famous of these new-breed bartenders was Jerry Thomas who, as a young man, trained in New Haven and went on to own saloons all over the country.  He also penned a world-famous bar tending guide with recipes that is still in use today.

Among the drinks Thomas is said to have developed is The Martinez, a mix of vermouth, gin, bitters and maraschino which he included  in his guide. Over time, a version featuring gin, vermouth, and an olive was developed into the modern-day Martini.

History Happy Hour is a joint venture with The Westport Museum For History And Culture.